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griffinnnnn🥺 GRIFFIN.😘🥰🥰🥰😘




I'm sorry, I read this as "Griffith"


I chose to date Nyra, Florrie, and Imogen and I seem to have gotten stuck in a loop. After Nyra's date Avery says "the second date is over" and then the next date is with Florrie, after which I just get back to a second (identical) date with Florrie. After answering her "Are you glad that I picked you?" question for a second time, there is no option to progress.


I ran into the same problem! Tried restarting and choosing differently n still got stuck


lmao so I use "Ellis" as my character name in games I play, and I am chronically ill, you can imagine the incredibly fucken surreal experience parts of this were for me.

(genuine recommendation if possible: if the player does share a name with one of the characters, a quick little line like "oh cool we have the same name!" or "wow, nice name huh?" or something would go a long way.  as it stood, I spent several minutes trying to figure out if I'd encountered some kind of bug before going to your tumblr to hunt down a LO list so I could confirm names.)


OML i cannot express this enough I LUV THIS GAME SO MUCH AHHHH :Cry: HHHH im so exited 4 the next update hhhhhhhhhhhhhh also I LUV GRIFF OML hes v bbg^^


whens the next updattteeeee

Honestly it took me by surprise but I loved it.


Oh My G, it's back!!! 🤩

Seriously, you do not know how DEVASTATED I was when the old demo was gone! And now it's back!!


Oh my godd,,, I'm in love!! I dont know what makes this so appealing and addicting but its been on my mind ever since I first played it ^^


Teasing Arthur back and his interactions with the MC, the chemistry is so fucking perfect ughhh, definitely gonna romance him first >////<


This game has taught me a valuable lesson. Read game descriptions.

(1 edit) (+4)

It's back! This is so great! i like the new look too. Really gives the game its brand.


You broke my heart. You just smashed it forever.

I just wanted to be with my hot curator who likes champagne and thinks that everyting is more magical at night.




But, seriously, your writing as they "returned" made me tear up. That was certainly not what I expected, but it was one hell of experience Y__Y


so this happened when i tried to suspect arthur of being the murderer (i did choose him as my partner -  have 44% relationship with him)

wuhhh.. I didn’t know you could see the relationship percentages!! This helped me find out Ty!! 


Oh...MY...GAWD, I came for love (and money) and stayed because of the intrigue, alright, you got me hooked, thank you for making this lovely game!

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! ahhh im so excitedfor the rest to come out, how often are the episodes gonna be published ? 😳😳




So glad this project is still alive! I played the choicescript demo a while ago and I'm completely hooked!


The fact that you’ve got me, notorious reality TV hater, absolutely GLUED TO MY MFING SEAT is a testament to your impeccable storytelling! So hyped to see how this develops and wishing you all the best from the tortured writer’s labyrinth! 🤝


This is incredible, I am completely in love with the characters, the intrigue just the game in and of itself ! This is great keep going :))


This is amazing!! One of my new favs, I've already replayed like 4 times.

This is really interesting! How many chapters do you plan to be in the final product?


Hi! There are 10 planned episodes/chapters.


I feel like I Just experienced a fever dream 


Love what you've got so far, keep up the great work!

also, will the final product be free or be paid?


Hi! Thank you - glad you're enjoying it so far 🥰 It has always been my intention for the final game to be free, so fingers crossed I'll be able to make that happen! 


The way i was smiling through this. Honestly it's embarrassing to admit. I am an utter sucker for dating shows, dating games..obsessed alil.. so this is just EVERYTHING!!!! 

Like thank u!! I cannot wait for the next update. This is probably my fav story so far and that is saying alot because i have aloot of good ones I'm following but this premis is just wonderfully amazing.

for future sexual content:

are there going to be choices you can make that will lead you to fall in love with your s.o. of choice without having to have sex?


There is zero requirement for your MC to have sex during the story if you don't want them to. Equally, if you want your MC to have sex but you as a player don't feel comfortable with sexual content then there are always multiple fade to black options during sex scenes. 

While I hope that every completed route will be able to reach a satisfying conclusion regardless of whether MC has sex with their RO of choice, I'm hesitant to say for certain that both MC and their RO would definitely be in love. For some routes it is certainly that simple, but due to the short time frame of the story it may not be quite such a neat resolution for all (i.e. a happy ending for some characters may not be as much "definitely in love" as "will reluctantly acknowledge the presence of some feelings" hahaha). 

I hope that makes sense? I've tried to be as specific as I can be without too many spoilers haha! 


It seems like an amazing storyline, I'm excited to see the future updates. I highly recommend. 

(1 edit)

are the hairstyle options only short, shaved and braids?


Hi! There are a bunch of hairstyle options, but what you see depends on what you select as your MC's hair length and texture in the prologue. I'm always open to adding new styles if you think there's something glaringly missing from the length/texture selection you've made 😊

oh! i missed the first hair choice in the prologue, thanks for the answer😅


omg i forgot the name of the guy i wanted



Wow, that's great news body count is on yess 👏🏻


I greatly enjoy the game and love the progress so far. I do have a few questions about the existing sex warnings. Are they for specific routes? Or does all routes have sexual content? And if it’s specific routes which route are they? I’d like a bit of clarification on that. Unless the warning is currently just for sex mentions?


Glad you're enjoying the game so far! The warning currently applies to two routes that have sexual content in Episode 2, but I plan for most routes to feature sexual content before the game is complete. 


Which two routes if you mind me asking?


Griff (if MC is sober) and Syd (if MC is drunk)! 


WAHH IM SO HYPED this is awesome:D Charlie is a sweetheart I love him, the other people seem so interesting and unique! Can’t wait for more!!
I played this a hour after it got published lol


Alright phew as an [redacted] romancer who went into this game completely blind, that was one hell of a roller coaster!! That twist at the end of episode 3? Gobsmacked. Utterly dumbfounded. I was just as dumbstruck as my MC. Am I complaining, though? Not at all — on the contrary, I'm very excited. That twist alone made this IF shoot up to be one of my favorite IFs. Very, very excited to see where this goes!! I'm all in for [redacted], so this is going to be a very very interesting ride that may or may not end in heartbreak, but — we'll see :DDD Amazing game, I highly recommend it <3


Hi! I first played this in a choice of games forum (been my obsession for a while), do you plan to change platforms to or will it be on both?


Hi! I won't be continuing to update the Choicescript version of the demo, it'll be only on itch from here on out :)

Oh, alright thank you for answering.  Can't wait to read more!


Oh, I remember that project from Choice of Games forum. Congrats with releasing the new demo and good luck!


Same here, im glad the author came back.


Hello! I'm getting an error in Arthur's route too, along with this one.

Thanks! :)

(1 edit)

there seems to be no other text when you choose the dont they normally cast the outgoing type option when talking to maya

Thank you for alerting me to this! It should now be fixed :)


Love the game !! 

I think I have played all the possible scenarios so far but still.. it is great. 

Just letting you know, I chose "Arthur" for both the date and roomie (?) and it gives 

Thank you for alerting me to this! It should now be fixed :)

there is an error code on Arthur's route after the coupling and you're told to go to the interview.

Thank you for alerting me to this! It should now be fixed :) 


Love the game so far!!! Not too far into it yet, but it's super interesting and enjoyable. Just wanted to point out this bug though (didn't really affect anything as far as I can tell, but doesn't seem like it's supposed to be there haha)


Thank you for alerting me to this! It should now be fixed :)


This is so good!!!





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