Didn't have the patience to wait until it'll start to get updates again.
Very interesting, but I'm still mad that the first victim is the character I love the most. I wonder if there's going to be an option to stay single because you're loyal to them. (even though it's a bit silly just after one day, but they're lovely) Would be very amusing to win 'the best couple' this way.
Also I wonder if meeting them in our bedroom is the best idea? Weren't there cameras everywhere except for wardrobe and toilets or something? People will think we're crazy. (maybe we are)
I really like this article, so I want to know if the author will continue to update it..( I can't wait any longer. If it takes a long time to see the next chapter or there won't be any further updates, I will be very very sad😢😢😢
Well, the author just responded to someone's comment 14 days ago saying that it will be, but the author is current busy on personal circumstances. So we just have to wait.
The "other project" in question is raising a toddler, so I hope to update Body Count when I can, but between work and parenting I just don't have a lot of time for writing in this season of life :)
So what I heard was a lie? They said you were working on another game and blah blah blah, if I remember correctly it was in an app where they were talking about good games. And in this post they talked about this game and that it would have been abandoned because of this, I'm sorry for believing that😸.
Anyway, thanks for replying.
(and again sorry for my bad English, living as a translator is sad😅)
Thank you for the game! Everything was interesting so far 👍
[Potential spoiler]
I've chosen Ellis as my couple during my first playthrough. It definitely added to the game experience. Though I wish we could spend more time together.
I'm sorting by popular and this jumped way up towards the top. I thought it had an update. A bit sad it doesn't, but at least I and hopefully Nell knows that this isn't forgotten and has lots of fans.
This is so good!! I wanna keep playing 😭😭 Griffin is so nice, I like him already. I also liked Arthur at first but then turns out he cheated before and I'm like ok nvm goodbye HAHA still wanna hook up thou but I definitely wont wanna choose him over Griffin.
As for the murderer, I used to be certain that it would be either Avery or Charlie but now after replaying, I'm not so sure anymore 😩 why is everyone lowkey sus
I love this game more then ive ever loved a dating game before, which is never, this is the only one I like, here's another link for People who's browser can't run this one
Just gonna throw it out there if anyone knows but is this game still is the making or did they stop? I'm asking because nothing is loading for me and the last update I see on here was back in 2023
reading ur comments friends, i feel like we are jumping into conclusions but honestly there might not even be a conclusion so there is respite in this theorycrafting
omg the writing is so good goddamn.. btw does anyone know if this is still a work in progress?? some people are saying this was abandoned and that leaves me real confused 😭😭
This was wayyyy too good. I was looking for a chill game to play through my insomnia and found this masterpiece. I Hope ull find time to uptade this in the future whithout pressuring yourself, I absolutely love how this Is built and how the game Always feels like it Is outplaying you, also I was so sad when I realized Charlie Is basically 10000% the murderer couse I love him soo much 😭🙏. This Is a masterpiece, thank you for getting your ideas into a game and good luck with Life.
I keep coming back to check on this game and ive theorized wayyy too much but you are absolutely correct, with all the evidence ive found, Charlie is supposed to be the villa killa. Ofc he can die if least voted so that means probably everyone is a killer, it mightve been planned that the MC could kill later on too, but for now theres no way Charlie isn't the killer, I still love him though
It's been over a year of its last update and I found it just now. To me, it's either Arthur or Ellis might be turning this whole thing into a locked room mystery, much in character since they mentioned being interested in it as well as being described as a character out of an Agatha Christie novel.
The writing is great and I'd love for it to be picked up again! Specially for my sunshine Vinh.
Even though Charlie is my favorite i think its him. I was messing around with different options earlier in the game and if you say that you want to be an author and say horror as a theme he gets really weird. Most of the time he'll react in a positive way especially if you say scifi but he goes quiet and closes his notes book and says "hmm, fitting" or something like that (its been a while so im not completely sure). Still love him though
Hey sorry but i did what you did with the author and horror thing and he just said Spooky and shut his book so maybe its him because for the other ones he didn't close if book/notes
TL;DR Charlie is almost certainly a killer, there is more than one killer for sure and i think that Atticus is the second killer
I found this little secret diolouge between Avery and MC after Elise doed and Avery mentions how the camera feed is live but no one had been watching it when it had happened. Apparently Charlie was supposed to be watching but he was off doing something else which then leads Avery to thinking you were doing some stuff with him. Clearly though, you're just snoozin', meaning he was off doing something.
This is getting a bit out there but his friendship bar starts at 50% while everyone else starts i think around 30% meaning he must've known you before..? My theory (and yes its VERY out there) is that there are two Villa Killas.
First, Charlie as one; the whole thing was sketchy, Avery dosent even know why there are only two producers on the whole island. Charlie must've set this up, he plays stupid fun Hawaiian shirt guy but hes actually super weird and set the whole thing up
Second, Atticus; you're on a dating show and you dont even want to try and be open. Bro isn't playing the 'hard to get game' hes playing a whole other game that involves the lives of others. He arrives late (which is weird because they cant get off the island so how would they arrive in the middle of the night???) and if everyone finds out its a murder, they wouldn't think jts him and Rowan because they arrived "after" the death or Elise.
SUPER SUSPICIOUS RIGHT?? Logical you know that there has ti be at keast two killers (they could all be killers for all i know) but there has to be more than one because we know that they die via a voting system. If the killer gets voted, itd be weird if they just killed themselves.
Another thing, (i dont remember for atticus's answer, but) on the Tumblr page, there is a zombie apocalypse question; who would survive the longest? It was ranked from dies first/easily to dies last/its hard for them to get killed. I know for a fact that Charlie's was wayy closer to easily surviving than you'd think for him being described as a starwars twink with a camera.
(P.s. If you select a lawyer in the beginning he asks you if you could could be his lawyer and if you ask him about it he doesn't really follow up)
Hmm that's a really good theory i had thought that it would be two players so that they could get all the money in the end getting a high body count through killing or sleeping with people you know?
I think it may be an hiatus because of IRL reasons.
If you look at the dev's tumblr, they had a baby kind of recently. Which tends to throw a spanner on the parents' passion projects since taking care of a whole new person eats all of your free time.
Grinn, who I will lovingly cradle and protect from whoever slit Ellis' throat in cold blood. If it was him (it probably wasn't) I will conspire with my bae.
After clicking the "Bit rude, no? I'm not sitting until she acknowledges me." with nyra on a date there is this error and you can't continue picking choices. also i think the saving is bugged i can't save at all.
i knew what was going to happen vaguely from reading the description and it still caught me off guard. the writing is amazing and immersive, i can't wait for more!
← Return to game
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Didn't have the patience to wait until it'll start to get updates again.Very interesting, but I'm still mad that the first victim is the character I love the most. I wonder if there's going to be an option to stay single because you're loyal to them. (even though it's a bit silly just after one day, but they're lovely) Would be very amusing to win 'the best couple' this way.
Also I wonder if meeting them in our bedroom is the best idea? Weren't there cameras everywhere except for wardrobe and toilets or something? People will think we're crazy. (maybe we are)
I really like this article, so I want to know if the author will continue to update it..( I can't wait any longer. If it takes a long time to see the next chapter or there won't be any further updates, I will be very very sad😢😢😢
I am using translation software, so there may be some errors
Well, the author just responded to someone's comment 14 days ago saying that it will be, but the author is current busy on personal circumstances. So we just have to wait.
Forgive me for not seeing that.. Thank you for your reply!!😌
Nell, the fact that this game remains fairly high in the "sort by popularity" is all you need to know. We're here for whenever you have the energy.
I love this so much
From what I understand, she is more focused on another project than this one, so we can simply say, yes... It was abandoned🤧
The "other project" in question is raising a toddler, so I hope to update Body Count when I can, but between work and parenting I just don't have a lot of time for writing in this season of life :)
So what I heard was a lie? They said you were working on another game and blah blah blah, if I remember correctly it was in an app where they were talking about good games. And in this post they talked about this game and that it would have been abandoned because of this, I'm sorry for believing that😸.
Anyway, thanks for replying.
(and again sorry for my bad English, living as a translator is sad😅)
is this abandoned? i’ve played it so many times, and extremely enjoy it. hope it isn’t.
Thank you for the game! Everything was interesting so far 👍
[Potential spoiler]
I've chosen Ellis as my couple during my first playthrough. It definitely added to the game experience. Though I wish we could spend more time together.
I'm sorting by popular and this jumped way up towards the top. I thought it had an update. A bit sad it doesn't, but at least I and hopefully Nell knows that this isn't forgotten and has lots of fans.
This is so good!! I wanna keep playing 😭😭 Griffin is so nice, I like him already. I also liked Arthur at first but then turns out he cheated before and I'm like ok nvm goodbye HAHA still wanna hook up thou but I definitely wont wanna choose him over Griffin.
As for the murderer, I used to be certain that it would be either Avery or Charlie but now after replaying, I'm not so sure anymore 😩 why is everyone lowkey sus
i rarely comment but just wanted to say I enjoyed playing this immensely.
I was really hoping that the plot twist I saw coming wouldn't happen lol
I love this game more then ive ever loved a dating game before, which is never, this is the only one I like, here's another link for People who's browser can't run this one
Hey, the link of the game isn't working?
omfg i made an account just to BEG you to update this story soon, i just devoured the whole thing and ITS SO GOOD i need to know what happens!!!
Any update?
Is the game dead? Its an amasing game but i realy wana play chapter 4 and im wondering uf anyone knows whats happening with this gam
Developer life got chaotic so it's on hiatus. Not dead dead
I've played this game before and I loved it, but the pass few months when I try to run the game it only shows up as a blank space
If you wait for some time it works
It was the Adblock addon of my browser for me! Turn it off for this page, see if it works :v
Just gonna throw it out there if anyone knows but is this game still is the making or did they stop? I'm asking because nothing is loading for me and the last update I see on here was back in 2023
it definitely isn't dead forever, but updates are Extremely irregular because i got busy irl!
i'm sorry for a stupid question, but is there a way i can play chapter 4? and if it's not released yet, will it be or is this game is abandoned?
reading ur comments friends, i feel like we are jumping into conclusions but honestly there might not even be a conclusion so there is respite in this theorycrafting
Annual pilgrimage to this page because I once again randomly started thinking about Charlie. The tragedy of missing fictional characters🫡
Hope you’re doin okay, Nell!
charlie is so
omg the writing is so good goddamn.. btw does anyone know if this is still a work in progress?? some people are saying this was abandoned and that leaves me real confused 😭😭
This was wayyyy too good. I was looking for a chill game to play through my insomnia and found this masterpiece. I Hope ull find time to uptade this in the future whithout pressuring yourself, I absolutely love how this Is built and how the game Always feels like it Is outplaying you, also I was so sad when I realized Charlie Is basically 10000% the murderer couse I love him soo much 😭🙏. This Is a masterpiece, thank you for getting your ideas into a game and good luck with Life.
I keep coming back to check on this game and ive theorized wayyy too much but you are absolutely correct, with all the evidence ive found, Charlie is supposed to be the villa killa. Ofc he can die if least voted so that means probably everyone is a killer, it mightve been planned that the MC could kill later on too, but for now theres no way Charlie isn't the killer, I still love him though
OMGGG. THAT WAS AMAZING. So excited for more chapters!!
i NEED Charlie, like, now. no one has ever been as bbg as him oh my fucking GOD.
It's been over a year of its last update and I found it just now. To me, it's either Arthur or Ellis might be turning this whole thing into a locked room mystery, much in character since they mentioned being interested in it as well as being described as a character out of an Agatha Christie novel.
The writing is great and I'd love for it to be picked up again! Specially for my sunshine Vinh.
Even though Charlie is my favorite i think its him. I was messing around with different options earlier in the game and if you say that you want to be an author and say horror as a theme he gets really weird. Most of the time he'll react in a positive way especially if you say scifi but he goes quiet and closes his notes book and says "hmm, fitting" or something like that (its been a while so im not completely sure). Still love him though
Hey sorry but i did what you did with the author and horror thing and he just said Spooky and shut his book so maybe its him because for the other ones he didn't close if book/notes
TL;DR Charlie is almost certainly a killer, there is more than one killer for sure and i think that Atticus is the second killer
I found this little secret diolouge between Avery and MC after Elise doed and Avery mentions how the camera feed is live but no one had been watching it when it had happened. Apparently Charlie was supposed to be watching but he was off doing something else which then leads Avery to thinking you were doing some stuff with him. Clearly though, you're just snoozin', meaning he was off doing something.
This is getting a bit out there but his friendship bar starts at 50% while everyone else starts i think around 30% meaning he must've known you before..? My theory (and yes its VERY out there) is that there are two Villa Killas.
First, Charlie as one; the whole thing was sketchy, Avery dosent even know why there are only two producers on the whole island. Charlie must've set this up, he plays stupid fun Hawaiian shirt guy but hes actually super weird and set the whole thing up
Second, Atticus; you're on a dating show and you dont even want to try and be open. Bro isn't playing the 'hard to get game' hes playing a whole other game that involves the lives of others. He arrives late (which is weird because they cant get off the island so how would they arrive in the middle of the night???) and if everyone finds out its a murder, they wouldn't think jts him and Rowan because they arrived "after" the death or Elise.
SUPER SUSPICIOUS RIGHT?? Logical you know that there has ti be at keast two killers (they could all be killers for all i know) but there has to be more than one because we know that they die via a voting system. If the killer gets voted, itd be weird if they just killed themselves.
Another thing, (i dont remember for atticus's answer, but) on the Tumblr page, there is a zombie apocalypse question; who would survive the longest? It was ranked from dies first/easily to dies last/its hard for them to get killed. I know for a fact that Charlie's was wayy closer to easily surviving than you'd think for him being described as a starwars twink with a camera.
(P.s. If you select a lawyer in the beginning he asks you if you could could be his lawyer and if you ask him about it he doesn't really follow up)
Hmm that's a really good theory i had thought that it would be two players so that they could get all the money in the end getting a high body count through killing or sleeping with people you know?
Sad how this was abandoned:( Pleaseee make a lot more like this!! And make a patreon I'd love to support hehe Charlie is my fav so cute
They made something different it's the same game I think but idk
a sequel but sadly this one just stopped at very good parts, I do hope the dev is okay though in all honesty
I heard the dev got a kid and moved on but tbh I don't kn if it's real or not
I think it may be an hiatus because of IRL reasons.
If you look at the dev's tumblr, they had a baby kind of recently. Which tends to throw a spanner on the parents' passion projects since taking care of a whole new person eats all of your free time.
Grinn, who I will lovingly cradle and protect from whoever slit Ellis' throat in cold blood. If it was him (it probably wasn't) I will conspire with my bae.
DAMN, this is noice
Im kinda leaning towards Griffin and Vinh,
This shit is good, hope this continues
Maybe we're delusional and seeing Ellis was a hallucination, but im low key sus of Avery and rowan plus atticusAfter clicking the "Bit rude, no? I'm not sitting until she acknowledges me." with nyra on a date there is this error and you can't continue picking choices. also i think the saving is bugged i can't save at all.
need i say more
i knew what was going to happen vaguely from reading the description and it still caught me off guard. the writing is amazing and immersive, i can't wait for more!
love both the aesthetic and the concept, love island plus murder is a really cool idea.
Jaw dropped
I'm seeing an odd lack of love for Florrie down here. Really hope this game gets continued.
Unfortunately Charlie Is like 100% the murderer lol